So glad that Janet likes the movie!! Makes me even more excited , if that is possible, for January 27th!! Not long now OFTM fans!!
Welcome to my own little corner of cyberspace for all things Stephanie Plum and much, much more. I absolutely love - Okay, I'm completely obsessed with- Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. After diligent searching for anything Plum on the internet, I discovered that the Stephanie 411 was next to nil. So this is my own little contribution to the lingerie buyer turned bounty hunter world of Stephanie Plum whose lot in life is to choose between two blindingly delicious, strong, sexy men; escape the occasional car fire; and refrain from the temptations of a delectible boston creme donut threatening to widen her waistline.
Welcome to Stephanie's Obsession! Please Enjoy!
Welcome to Stephanie's Obsession! Please Enjoy!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Katherine Heigl's "One for the Money" Q&A
Katherine Heigl has been a very busy gal lately. She has been tweeting up a storm to her fans, and now she has just finished answering some "One for the Money" related questions.
I for one am ecstatic at some of her answers! She answers some long time burning questions like: Big Blue does get vandalized like I'd hoped, you get to hear the thoughts in Steph's head (some of the funniest things come out of her thoughts) during the movie, KH is a total badass and performed her own clothesline maneuver taking down Lonnie Dodd, and last but not least Ranger gets shot taking down Lonnie Dodd which I had feared had not made it into the movie! A little bummed we don't get to see O'Mara's ass, but I'll get over it. I thought her answer to that question was hilarious!
I am a happy woman doing my KH HaPpY dAnCe As I tYpE. Plus...Katie answered one of my questions...*GUSHES*
"One For The Money Questions & Answers
I wanted to thank everyone for all of the fantastic questions that were submitted for this Q & A and the wonderful messages of support that I have received. I really appreciate all of your kind words.
Sorry that I couldn't answer everyone directly, but there were over 700 different questions (and even more duplicates!), so I have tried to select a range that covered most of the topics that people wanted to talk about. I hope it will give you all a little more insight into the movie and that you will enjoy watching when it hits theaters in a few months time.
Thanks again!
Katherine Heigl
What was it about the character of Stephanie Plum that really appealed to you and made you want to bring her to life on the big screen?
Jennifer - Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA
I love Stephanie's gumption and sense of humor. She has the most hilarious way of seeing herself, the people around her and the sometimes terrifying situations she gets herself into.
How did you prepare for the role? Did you meet with Janet Evanovich?
Lisa - Nipomo, California, USA
I wish I had met Janet! In fact I'm hoping now that the movie has been made I'll get the opportunity to meet her! She's one of my favorite authors. I prepared for the role by reading as many of the books as I could before filming started (that was more pleasure than work though!) I also spent some time working on Stephanie's look. I always feel closer to the character when I put on their clothes. It was really important to me that I resembled the physical description of her as closely as possible. I had a wonderful hair, makeup, and wardrobe team that I think nailed it! Oh and of course there's the Burg accent! That took a lot of practice and a lot of faith!
When people read a book, they imagine the characters in a specific way. Did you worry about being faithful to Stephanie's character from the book? Are you looking forward to see people's reaction?
Danielle, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Being faithful to the books, the stories and the character's relationships, all of it, is the most important thing to me when you're part of adapting a novel into a movie. Everyone involved from the screenplay writer, to the producers, to the director, to the cast, worked really hard to honour what the fans (and that includes me!) love about Stephanie Plum and the world and people Janet Evanovich created. I'm very hopeful and anxious for the fans reaction to this movie. I hope they're as happy with it as I am!
What were the biggest challenges you faced portraying Stephanie Plum? What do you think her best and worst qualities are?
Felicia - Malmö, Sweden
The most intimidating challenge was getting the accent down. The fun challenges were learning how to drive an ice truck, shoot a gun and pick a lock! I love that Stephanie isn't afraid of a challenge and believes she can be wonder woman (as she says in the books all the time!) She's got a huge heart, is close to her family, and tells it like it is about everything - herself included. I think her biggest flaw is that she doesn't ask for help enough and puts herself and others into dangerous situations due to her stubbornness.
Do you think you share any characteristics with Stephanie Plum? If so, what would they be?
Michelle - USA
I think I have a similar fighting or go down trying spirit as Steph and am equally close to my family.
How does the movie differ from the book? Does the movie stay true to the book in that it takes place in the early 90's (i.e. before cell phones and the internet) or has it been updated?
Amy - Moosic, Pennsylvania, USA
That was one of the big questions when adapting the novel. Should it be set in the early 90's or should it be today? We chose to make the action take place in 2011 because there have been so many more Plum novels written and the fans have been reading about a more contemporary Stephanie for a while now. We also included a little more interaction with Mary Lou in the movie than there is in the book. We toned down some of the violence, which was a really hard decision for me. I really love the intensity of the action in the books but it's one thing to imagine what Ramirez does to Lula and it's another to really see it. Other than that we stayed as true to the flow of the story as possible.
What was your favorite part of filming One For The Money? Did your favorite scenes from the film match your favorite sections from the book?
Debbie - Baltimore, Maryland, USA
I loved all my scenes with the Plum family, Morelli, Ranger, Lula and Jackie, Vinnie and Connie, and of course Grandma Mazur. Those were all my favourite moments in the book so it was really fun to bring them to life and all of the actors cast were so amazing, hilarious and talented that I would spend most of my time laughing my butt off.
The film was shot in Pittsburgh rather than in Trenton where the books are based. Why was that? Did you did you enjoy shooting there?
Stuart - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I did enjoy shooting in Pittsburgh, I love to travel and experience new places. My family was with me for most of the shoot and I loved the house and area we made home! I'm not too sure why the producers chose to film in PA instead of Jersey. My guess is that it involved money and available locations to film in.
There is a long running joke about the ill-fated cars that seem to come in and out of Stephanie's life throughout the books, which is one of her most hilarious and quirky qualities. Does the car death toll by fire, spray paint, theft and repossession still stand in the One For The Money movie?
Stephanie's Obsession - Visit
In the movie we have her first car being repossessed, Big Blue being vandalized and Morelli's Jeep blowing up. Steph and her issue with cars are some of my favourite parts of the books! I can't wait to do the next film and have her destroy more automobiles!
One of the most notable qualities of the Janet Evanovich books is the humor. What is the funniest thing that happened on set?
Miranda - Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
I think the humor of the books is what all us fans love the most! We had a ton of hilarious moments on set, but Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur took the cake! She had the best stories and the craziest sense of humor!
Have you seen the finished movie either as a whole or in segments? If so, were you happy with the result?
Karen - Glasgow, Scotland
I have seen it and I'm thrilled! Nervous about fan reaction, but thrilled with the cast, the way it's put together, and how it manages to be funny and charming despite the sinister story of murder and drugs.
A lot of the funniest moments from the books relate to what is said in Stephanie's head. How did you handle that in the movie? Did you do a voiceover or was it just incorporated in the script?
Amanda - Seattle, Washington, USA
We did a little of both. We didn't intend to use a voice over but after the first cut we realized we were really missing Steph's voice and her take on what's happening around her. Without adding more scenes with someone else, she could be talking to Mary Lou or Grandma Mazur and we had no way of hearing her. So much of the chase and her seeking out information is done alone. So we added a voice over to give us more of the inner monologue that we all love from the books and gave her a bit more dialog with other cast members in the scenes to bridge the inner and outer thought process a bit.
Stephanie is a walking time bomb, a klutz and an inept investigator. Did you have fun acting ditzy and getting all physical with the characters she was supposed to be bringing in?
Becky - Houston, Texas, USA
One of the things I love about Steph is that she is both equally aware and unaware that she's so inept! I had the best time taking down Lonnie Dodd and bringing in the neighborhood exhibitionist William Earling. It's fantastic that Steph get's Ranger shot with her own gun trying to bring in Dodd and is the laughingstock of the police station for bringing in a naked old man! She wins and loses in the same breath every time and it's why we love her so much!
Did you find yourself having strange cravings for Butterscotch Krimpets, Doodles or donuts while channelling Stephanie Plum? How about your car, any crazy accidents that needed the help of a mysterious hot Latino?
Mary Ellen - New Jersey, USA
By the end of the day on set I was happy not to have to look at another Big Gulp, Tastykake or bag of Skittles for at least 12 hours! I love that Stephanie is always eating but lord! Doing six takes in a row and having to down some type of food in each one is pretty filling! And no, unfortunately no car trouble run-ins with a hot Latino off set!
Did you have to perfect a Jersey accent for the film as Stephanie is from Jersey? What was that like? Was it challenging?
Tessa - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I did and it was! Accents make me very nervous, but I was really excited by the challenge. I'm not too sure it could be called perfect but I'm hoping it's consistent and good enough to be what the fans imagine Steph to sound like.
I would like to know if you relied on the solely on the screenplay when preparing for the role or if you read Evanovich's novel?
Patricia - Los Banos, California, USA
I'm actually up to book number 10 now. The best part of making the movie was all the "research" it required! I have never had so much fun preparing for a role as I did immersing myself in Plum's world for 10 straight books! I finally had to take a break and read something else because my friends and family were sick of me disappearing for hours on end while I read!
What is your favorite book in the series?
One Starr - USA
Right now my favorite is Two For The Dough. I love the blooming sexy/frenemy romance between Steph and Morelli (I'm a sucker for romance!) and the funeral parlor scenes with Grandma Mazur are priceless! I'm probably so in to this book because I hope we get the chance to make it the next film in the series!
With 18 books in the series, starring in an Evanovich-Plum movie could turn into a good franchise. Are there any more movies in the works? Would you like the opportunity to reprise the role of Stephanie?
Nancy - Irvine, California, USA
I would love the chance to make the second book into a movie and team up with Morelli, Ranger, Lula, Vinnie and Grandma once again, but we'll have to wait and see how the first one does. So as of right now it's more a dream than a reality.
Was it hard to stick to the Stephanie from the first book, since she has developed and expanded since then, or to reconcile your image of the 'book Stephanie' with the updated idea of her they had for the film?
Martina - Malmö, Sweden
I kinda feel like Stephanie is who she is through the whole series. There are little things about her that change and evolve in later books that we incorporated into the movie to keep up with where the fans are with their current vision of her.
Being Stephanie Plum can be quite strenuous. Did you do your own stunts?
Yolanda - Holtsville, New York, USA
I'd do little things that couldn't get me hurt. For example, I took down Lonnie Dodd myself using the good old fashioned clothesline approach! But my best friend and stunt double since I was fourteen, Cheyenne Ellis, did the tough stuff like being Ramirez's victim at the gym when Steph hits him with her purse. I mean I did the purse hitting part - she did the getting choked and thrown on the ground part! She's a pretty great friend! HAHAHA.
How did you get involved in the project?
Mark - Shoreham, England
I was making The Ugly Truth for Lakeshore when the producers approached me about the Stephanie Plum series. At that point I had not read the books so I didn't know much about it. I remember talking to my Aunt and mentioning the project and she just about wet her pants in excitement having been a fan for years. Then a few months later I was in Utah and having lunch with couple of female friends when they literally said "Hey Katie, have you ever read the Stephanie Plum books? You should play her in a movie!" I thought that was so serendipitous that I went right out and bought the first book. I quickly, like all us fans, got hooked and the rest is history!
As a producer of the film as well, what was the casting process like? Did you have actors in mind for certain characters when you read the book?
Jo - Florida, USA
Casting is tough for any movie but when you're trying to find actors who can bring to life beloved characters in a series of books it's really hard! It was important to all of us involved that we cast the best actor for the part. Someone who could bring each role to life in a way the fans deserved. Our casting director is a brilliant woman named Debra Aquila. She actually cast me in the second film I ever did when I was 13 called King of the Hill. She found our cast and no one could have done a more perfect job! When I walked on set into each new scene I really felt like it was the book coming to life! I hope all you guys do too!
You were reunited with director Julie Anne Robinson, Jason O'Mara and Debra Monk with whom you had worked on Grey's Anatomy. Did you have any input into that process and what was it like to work with them again?
Anupama - Naperville, Illinois, USA
I had a little input and was really excited about having the opportunity to work with Julie Anne and Debra again. When Jason and I met during the casting process I had a real foot-in-mouth moment when he told me he'd done an episode of Grey's and I couldn't remember the storyline! So typical of an actor to be so focused on their own material that they don't notice any one else's! But despite my self absorption, Jason was very forgiving and one of the most wonderful and talented men I have had the pleasure of acting beside!
In One for the Money, you get to work with screen legend Debbie Reynolds who plays Grandma Mazur. What was that like and did you learn anything from her?
Heather - Russell, Kansas, USA
Debbie was a hoot! I was so nervous the first day of filming with her because she is a legend and I'm a big fan! She was full of fun, laughter and jokes and made the time fly and my nerves disappear. She taught me that a Halls cough drop can stop a choking coughing fit. Debbie always had a Halls in her mouth and during one of the Plum dinner scenes I was shoving turkey into my mouth with such fervor I started to choke. Debbie kept insisting that I suck on a Halls and I kept trying to tell her through the coughs that I was choking, not sick. Finally I acquiesced and took the cough drop only to realize within seconds that it really did work. I exclaimed to Debbie once I'd stopped hacking that her cure was a cure after all and she looked at me and said. "Old people know a lot of things darling. We want to pass them along before we're dead."
I love the character of Lula and Sherri Shepherd is the perfect choice to play her. Did you enjoy working with her?
Shanice - Newark, New Jersey, USA
It would be impossible not to bond with Sherri immediately. She's hilarious, charming, honest, embracive and so very talented! I loved every second with her and so look forward to some day getting to play Steph's Cagney to Lula's Lacey!
Who has been cast as Rex? Is he a new talent, or are you using an experienced hamster? Do you have a hamster wrangler?
Will - Spokane, Washington, USA
I don't think our hamsters had a whole lot of acting experience but they did a wonderful job! There were two so that if one didn't have the energy to do the running on the wheel scenes we could go to the other and try to tempt him with snacks! And yes, there was a hamster wrangler!!
Both you and the Stephanie Plum books have a huge following outside of the US. Can you tell us if there's any promotion planned for the movie overseas? Will you do a press tour or any international TV appearances?
Nika @PlumMovie - Visit
Absolutely! I don't know the details of the promotion plan just yet, but I will most certainly be doing press and interviews overseas and I can't wait!
If you had to choose between Morelli and Ranger, which one would you pick?
That's a very, very tough question! I have such devotion to both since I've bounced around with them alongside Steph through the books for a while now! If I had a gun to my head and had to choose right now I'd say Morelli, only because of their history. Since that would be explored more in the next film if we have the privilege of making it that's where my head is. But I'll tell you there was nothing more lip biting and breath holding than the moment in Seven Up when Ranger drops his gun belt on the floor on the last page and you're left wondering if he and Steph finally did it!
So, we've seen a picture of you and Morelli (Jason O'Mara) and he is holding a towel looking like he is headed for a shower. Us gals would like to know.....Do we get to see his ass or what?
Melissa, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Sorry ladies, you don't get to see his ass…but you get to see mine!! HAHAHA"
For the link to this Q&A click here surprise here that I loved this interview! I think her answers are witty, fun, and full of some great OFTM movie info. What did you think? Would love to hear your comments!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Great Article About Katherine Heigl and the "One for the Money" Movie Trailer
I loved this article about Heigl and the "One for the Money" trailer. There is a lot of truth to this. I think the critics do go for that "knee-jerk reaction" when it comes to one of Katherine Heigl's projects and start to bash it and her just because of the reputation they think she has. Where is their originality? Do they really think that if they give one of her projects the thumbs up it deserves that they are going to lose all credibility as a critic? Rom-Coms have always had a bad reputation and never get rave reviews, but "One for the Money," although there is a little romance and a lot of laughs as far as I can tell, delves a bit more into the action/thriller genre as well. Just watching a little blip of Ramirez running after Steph in his gym gave me the heebies, and Heigl clotheslining Lonnie Dodd was impressively badass!
Heigl has a wide range of talent from scenes that make you cry to films that have you bent over in a stitch from laughing hysterically. It also seems as though she can add a little action into the mix and not look ridiculous pulling it off. KH does funny very well. To me, her comedic style can be compared to some of the all time greats such as Lucille Ball or a female Chevy Chase. In my humble opinion not everyone has the physicality and timing it takes to pull off a comedy. Can you see Angelina Jolie, one of Hollywood's highest paid and readily used powerhouses, making you laugh till your stomach hurts? AJ can thoroughly kick your ass or move you to tears, but she in my mind, although extremely talented in her own right, is not considered a comedic actress. I love that there are still critics out there that do appreciate Katherine Heigl's amazing talent and don't just chalk this movie up to another Heigl Rom-Com bashing it blindly like some. Although the author of Fempop won't be starting up any fan clubs for Katherine Heigl any time soon, she has an objective appreciation for her work. Enjoy!
"The Stephanie Plum series is one of the reasons I started FemPop. That may sound shallow, but when the film was being cast and started shooting traditional entertainment sites, especially the ones usually full of smart critics with a penchant for nerdiness, treated the property like dirt. It was just another Katherine Heigl project of no note to anyone. Nevermind the fact that One For The Money won a bevy of awards when it came out in 1994 or that it was on the USA Today bestsellers list for 75 straight weeks. Nevermind that author Janet Evanovich is one of the most successful and popular mystery writers working today.
No it was a Heigl project and must be ruthlessly mocked.
It was knee jerk actress hate that felt a lot like knee jerk sexism and it irked the hell out of me. These guys never read the book and it was written by a former romance novelist so it was clearly “lame chickflick” material.
As someone who was ushered into puberty with these books (they were as beloved and well-worn as my huge collection of Star Wars Extended Universe books) I have to take serious offense. The Stephanie Plum series is pretty dang awesome and fun. Yeah it’s petered out a bit in the 17 years since it started but whatever. The early books are some of the funniest things I’ve ever read.
But enough of my gabbing. Here’s the trailer.
I will not speak to the authenticity of her accent but I will say that Heigl nails the Stephanie Plum vibe. There’s looking pretty great despite a terrible diet, a surprising love of guns, Grandma Mazur, Ranger and Joe looking smoking hot and Lula–and now all I can think of is the time Lula went on Atkins and carried chickens and slabs of bacon in her purse…which is what I suspect I would do if I ever went on Atkins.
Once upon a time Heigl was an engaging and funny actress. Maybe being forced to play a character instead of the paper-thin excuses she’s been saddled with will be the difference. Maybe One For The Money will be the Heigl film that reminds us all of how awesome she is. Maybe all those film critics/nerds will be horribly shocked at the success of the film and call it Twilight for adults and display all that latent sexism their sites often teem with. And maybe nerdy Janet Evanovich fans like myself will finally get our Stephanie Plum movie (I have been waiting since 1998 thankyouverymuch)."
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Rate the "One for the Money" Trailer
The "One for the Money" Facebook page is asking everyone to rate the movie trailer, and to my utter dismay the first two comments on there were negative. :( Very disappointing and not really the way I expected it to start off.
We need to get some positive vibes going. If you liked the trailer, please go on over to the "One for the Money" Facebook page and leave your comment.
I for one was very happy with the trailer, and I'd love to make sure that Lionsgate is well aware that there are plenty of big fans of the movie/trailer out there and that we would LOVE more Plum movies of Steph and the gang.
Thanks for your support!!
We need to get some positive vibes going. If you liked the trailer, please go on over to the "One for the Money" Facebook page and leave your comment.
I for one was very happy with the trailer, and I'd love to make sure that Lionsgate is well aware that there are plenty of big fans of the movie/trailer out there and that we would LOVE more Plum movies of Steph and the gang.
Thanks for your support!!
OFTM Contest -Win all 18 Stephanie Plum Books
Hey guys, it's contest time!! Head on over to the official "One for the Money" Facebook page and enter to win the contest. It's really simple: Click on the link that they give you, watch the amazing trailer Lionsgate has prepared for us, and then attach it to your personal Facebook page. You are then entered to win this fantastic collection of books!
Click here to enter:
Good luck!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
OFTM Trailer Screen Caps and 7 New Stills - Happy Day!! :)
So these past few weeks have been like a dream come true. First, we get some awesome OFTM Movie Stills, Second, an incredible movie poster. Third, The Katherine Heigl has gotten more in touch with her fans via Twitter and Facebook! And Fourth, something we have all been waiting for and I have been whining about for over a year, a fantastically perfect movie trailer....I think I'm in heaven!!
Below are 7 new movie stills, and below that are the 300+ movie trailer screen caps!
I've been examining these very closely. We see Ramirez, Rex, Lonnie Dodd, Papa Plum, Eddie Gazarra, etc. Squee! Please click here for the screen caps. Fast, Free Image Hosting - ImageBam
So, I'd love to hear from all of you what you think. Enjoy!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
"One for the Money" Trailer
Here it is!!! I laughed so hard at the naked guy in Morelli's car. haha I thought she nailed it, and O'Mara is a perfect Morelli. I'm sooooooo happy!!!!
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!!! Yay!!!
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!!! Yay!!!
"One for the Money" Trailer Preview Tonight!!
Thank you Katie Heigl!! On Katie Heigl's Twitter today, she announced that we will be able to catch the "One for the Money" trailer on Access Hollywood tonight!!!!
"KatieHeigl Katherine HeiglSo excited to see this!! The moment we have all been waiting for!!!
For all you Stephanie Plum fans out there check out Access Hollywood tonight at 7:30 EST for a debut of the trailer!"
She also announced that she would like to do a Q&A for all the Plum book fans!!
"KatieHeigl Katherine Heigl
Oh and I'd love to do a book club Q&A on my website for all the fans of OFM! Check out and submit your questions!"
Happy posting!! And I'll be so happy to see all your comments on if you liked the trailer or not!! Don't miss it!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"One for the Money" Movie Poster W-O-W!!!
Great movie stills and now an incredibly awesome movie poster!! I'm waaaaaay past excited today.
Bravo Lionsgate/Lakeshore!!! Looks incredible!!! The trailer's gotta be just around the corner! Squee!!!!
What do you think? Nailed it?!?! I think so.....Love the "Looking for a few not-so-good men." Perfect!!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Few More "One for the Money" Characters Revealed
I was just browsing over on IMDB and found a few more characters that have been revealed. IMDB is not always completely accurate so these aren't confirmed, but these key characters are listed below:
So there you have it. Not huge characters revealed, but still vital to the movie and interesting to me! ;)
Still wondering if they introduced Tank and Joyce in "OFTM," and if so who they used!
I still think that Michael Clarke Duncan should be Tank!!
Spoiler Alert*** Read on at your own risk!
![]() |
David Flick as Sal the Butcher |
Sal is the butcher that helps Flat-Nosed Louis smuggle Carmen out in a meat barrel and ends up with a hole in his head for his trouble.
![]() |
Alexis Treadwell Murray as Carmen |
Carmen is the informant who goes missing after she calls Joe Morelli for help. Joe then gets accused of murder when he shoots Ziggy at Carmen's apartment claiming self defense.
So there you have it. Not huge characters revealed, but still vital to the movie and interesting to me! ;)
Still wondering if they introduced Tank and Joyce in "OFTM," and if so who they used!
I always wanted Gina Gershon for Joyce, but ever since I started watching Grey's (which I am super addicted to by the way!!) I have only seen Kate Walsh as Joyce! She has my vote!!
Gina Gershon |
![]() |
Kate Walsh as Joyce Barnhardt |
What are your thoughts? Do you like the new cast picks, and who do you think should play Tank and Joyce?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Want to ask Jason O'Mara a Question?
It's contest time!!! As I had thoroughly gushed earlier in a previous post, Plum Movie and I are getting a huge opportunity to ask Jason O'Mara some questions about "One for the Money," and we would like to get you involved.
We need to make this interview short and sweet because we promised not to take up too much of his time, so we are going to limit the questions to the very best, the most original, etc, etc.
So ladies and gents...we'd like to see all of your questions....just let me at em!!! I'm completely excited to see what we come up with.
Now for the rules. Not that I am generally a rule follower myself in most instances, but we need to set up a few ground rules. We are limiting our quesitons to OFTM related only, so no personal questions or other project questions please. In the case we get duplicate questions, the first one to submit the question will be the one recognized as asking the question.
Please submit your questions via email to: or Make sure you include your name that you would like posted with your questions and where you are from please. The deadline for sending in questions is Sunday, September 18th, 2011. Have fun and happy brainstorming!!
We need to make this interview short and sweet because we promised not to take up too much of his time, so we are going to limit the questions to the very best, the most original, etc, etc.
So ladies and gents...we'd like to see all of your questions....just let me at em!!! I'm completely excited to see what we come up with.
Now for the rules. Not that I am generally a rule follower myself in most instances, but we need to set up a few ground rules. We are limiting our quesitons to OFTM related only, so no personal questions or other project questions please. In the case we get duplicate questions, the first one to submit the question will be the one recognized as asking the question.
Please submit your questions via email to: or Make sure you include your name that you would like posted with your questions and where you are from please. The deadline for sending in questions is Sunday, September 18th, 2011. Have fun and happy brainstorming!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Interview with Jason O'Mara About Terra Nova and One for the Money
Terra Nova looks like it is going to be a huge success as well. To see the interview, please click here:
Saturday, September 3, 2011
OMG!!!!! Jason O'Mara Will be Answering some of my Questions about "One for the Money"
I'm so excited right now I can hardly sit still. Okay...Jason O'Mara has definitely pulled ahead in the graciousness contest over Daniel Sunjata in my book. The lovely proprietor for Plum Movie and I wanted to put together a short but sweet Q&A about "One for the Money" and see if Jason O'Mara would take time out of his extremely busy schedule to answer a few of them. I tweeted the amazingly nice Jason O'Mara nervously asking if he would be able to answer a few questions about 'OFTM.' (Hopefully I'm not bugging the shit out of him hahaha.)
Then to my completely and utterly excited surprise...we are talking embarrassing teeny bopper shrieks of joy here...I got a reply from the handsome and gracious Jason O'Mara ((sigh)):
"@jason_omara Hey JOM, wld luv if I cld ask u some ?s about OFTM if u have a sec. dying 4 any new 411. will keep it short. Thx in advance. <3"I secretly didn't think anything would come of it and was feeling kind of sheepish for sending him a request in the first place because who am I with my teeny, little blog asking such an accomplished, busy actor if he could spare a few minutes for me? I also had help from a very dear and amazing friend, Iheartjason, whom I am sure made this whole thing happen! Thank you so much, Iheartjason! You are a pretty terrific chick!!
Then to my completely and utterly excited surprise...we are talking embarrassing teeny bopper shrieks of joy here...I got a reply from the handsome and gracious Jason O'Mara ((sigh)):
"@stephaniesobses I'll try to answer some of your questions after September 26th, ok? Promise"To say that I am freaking out would be the understatement of the year here!! I'm ecstatically doing the KH happy dance!
So...after September 26, which is when Terra Nova premieres, (Terra Nova is the new TV series airing on FOX that I surely will be watching to show my support) Plum Movie and I will be able to ask Jason ((shriek)) a few questions. In turn, I will be hurriedly turning around and posting my questions and answers to you all!! If I totally sound like a giddy little dork right now it's cuz I feel like one!!
So, thanks, Jason O'Mara, for taking a piece of your valuable time to answer some of my questions!!!. And thanks, Iheartjason, for helping a fellow Plumsessed fan with the hard stuff! ;) MUAH!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Daniel Sunjata....HOT and Gracious!!
A couple of days ago, I was lucky enough to have Daniel Sunjata take a few seconds out of his busy day to reply to my tweet! I was soooo excited!! This was all brought about from an earlier tweet he had sent to Katie Heigl's Twitter which I had blogged on earlier.
"@KatieHeigl awwwwwww :) lol Sending u love & well-wishes. Thank u 4 the opportunity. ps: I remember that day. Damn prop-gun wouldn't go off!"Well, I was curious if there was a story there, so I thought "wouldn't it be cool if I actually got a reply?" I decided to gather my courage and tweet:
"@DanielSunjata Could u ellaborate on the gun misfire w/Katie Heigl? Sounds like a funny story. Btw, love the stills."A few moments later to my absolutely utter disbelief, I got a reply back:
Daniel Sunjata @PlumMovie @stephaniesobses well its not that interesting actually lol but it made for a frustrating day. My .45 cal just didn't wanna work!"Needless to say I was ecstatic!! Okay, that's an understatement. What an awesome guy!! The only thing that would have put it over the top would have been if he called me "Babe." I probably would have started shrieking like a crazed teenager and fainted dead away...hahaha...but this chick ain't complainin' one teensy, weensy bit!!! Nu-uh!!!! ((fans self))
Jason O'Mara might have some competition in the gracious department here. Don't you just love that our 2 incredible leading men are both HOT, talented, and extremely nice?!?! Thanks again, Daniel, for making my week!! Muah!!
And as a nice parting gift...I leave you with another pic of the mysterious and sexy Ranger/Sunjata.
Damn, I love this picture. What a lucky felon. Tee-hee. Yes, I should probably get my mind out of the gutter, but it's kind of fun being down here in the slums. Do you blame me? ((sigh))
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Jason O'Mara Dishes on if Stephanie Plum Series Will be Turned into a Movie Series
Did I mention I LOVE Facebook....and Joe Morelli a.k.a. Jason O'Mara for that matter? Jason was asked on his Facebook page if he knew if the Stephanie Plum series would be turned into a movie franchise. This was his response.
This man is sooooo my favorite person right now! Thanks so much, Jason, for keeping us all informed! This amazing guy is uber busy right now, but he still manages to have a personal relationship with his fans answering questions and keeping us informed. So few celebrities do that in my humble opinion. new mission in life is to get as many people to the movie theater as possible to see this's sort of an old mission but with renewed enthusiasm and spirit. Let's spread the word and see if we can get a sequel brewing!! Sending all my Plum Love vibes out into the world. MUAH!! ;)
"Jason O'Mara If this one's a hit, we want to do more! But we have to get all those people who haven't read the books to see the movie! That's the only way we'll get to make more Plum movies!"
This man is sooooo my favorite person right now! Thanks so much, Jason, for keeping us all informed! This amazing guy is uber busy right now, but he still manages to have a personal relationship with his fans answering questions and keeping us informed. So few celebrities do that in my humble opinion. new mission in life is to get as many people to the movie theater as possible to see this's sort of an old mission but with renewed enthusiasm and spirit. Let's spread the word and see if we can get a sequel brewing!! Sending all my Plum Love vibes out into the world. MUAH!! ;)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Higher Quality Pics of the "One for the Money" Movie Stills
I thought you might like some better quality shots of our favorite "OFTM" characters.
Okay, We're going to have some fun. I'm going to guess the scene each picture is depicting in the movie. Please leave your comments and let me know if you think I'm right, or up in the night here.
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Stephanie meets Jimmy "The Creep" Alpha, Ramirez's manager, for the first time. |
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Grandma Mazur won the turkey shoot by shooting that "sucker right in the gumpy." |
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Peanut butter and olive sandwiches and romantic advice from Grandma Mazur....a hilariously awkward combination. |
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"Piece offering, cupcake?" Morelli comes to make amends for tackling Stephanie after she locked him in the refridgerator truck. |
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Stalking Morelli at the deli right before the knee-knocking kiss and ooey-gooey dumpster dive. |
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Stephanie crouching underneath said dumpster. |
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Badass Ranger after the Lonnie Dodd apprehension. Only thing is he doesn't look shot in the leg. :( |
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Stephanie going through the firebombed witness' apartment. |
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Stephanie looking for missing Carmen Sanchez. |
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Stephanie meets Stark Street hos, Lula and Jackie. |
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Morelli escorts the worse for wear, banged up, knees scraped, Stephanie back to her beater car. -No Spraypaint!! ;( - |
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Steph and Joe flirting at beater car...still no spraypaint :( |
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Steph hiding behind a bush waiting to taser Morelli when he comes to pick up his "commandeered" SUV. |
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Steph talking to the police, maybe Eddie Gazarra, after the SUV bombing and deep fried Morty Byers. |
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Not really sure...added scene? |
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Stephanie's kill shot? |
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Morelli talks Steph into working with him to clear his name...Joe takes a steamy shower in Steph's apartment..although it might be hard with the ruined shower curtain...A girl can dream can't she? |
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Grandma Mazur headed out to hang with her peeps at Stivas. |
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