Welcome to Stephanie's Obsession! Please Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
What's in and What's out in 'One for the Money'
Now, lets talk cars...(I know I've got the men's attention if there are any males that actually read my blog. hahaha) I raised a question previously in one of my other posts about the Miata I keep seeing on set everywhere. In the book, the Miata played a small part, so why we keep seeing it everywhere is perplexing me!! I haven't seen the red Cherokee she "comandeers" from Morelli which is in a huge amount of the book, and I haven't seen any photos or info on the "pussymobile" beater car she drives after hocking her small appliances when her Miata gets reposessed. I really hope they have those cars in the movie. They are definitely sacrificing some major laughs if they don't have them written in the script. Hell, one of the biggest running jokes in all of Evanovich's Plum books is that she cannot keep her cars or any other person's car from becoming a snarling ball of fire throughout all the books, so they better have put that in the script. Those cars are definitely part of the cast in my mind. When I just recently re-read 'OFTM,' Uncle Sandor's car wasn't introduced in the first book, and Post-Gazette.com definitely wrote in their article that Uncle Sandor's car was parked out on the street in front of the Plum's residence when they were filming. ???
One of my favorite parts of 'One for the Money' is when Morelli escorts Stephanie back to her car parked on Stark Street, and someone had spraypainted the word "Pussy" all over it in Dayglo pink. hahaha Morelli starts laughing hysterically and says says, "Most people are content with pinstriping and a vanity plate." LOL!!!
Anyone have any pics of the cars??? Info??? Comments??? *fingers xd it made it into the script* I have to say I'd be seriously torqued if they cut out either one of the cars!!!
John Leguizamo a.k.a Jimmy Alpha Catching Some ZZZs
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John Leguizamo out for the count. hahaha (Like my boxing reference??) |
Lucky Fan gets pictures of Kittanning Bridge 'One for the Money' Set
Check out the rest of the pics over at: http://bit.ly/aunag9.
Another Kittaning Bridge 'OFTM' article with a Little More Info
The transformed Kittanning Bridge
'As local police directed traffic which was lined up in many areas of town throughout the day yesterday, film crews were working for their third day in a row shooting scenes for the upcoming movie “One for the Money” based on the first book of a sixteen-book series written by Janet Evanovich.
The Lower Trenton Bridge
“Who could ask for more? It’s going pretty great,” said publicist Michael Umble. “The town is more than cooperative. The fact that we can close the bridge and still route around the town is great.”
Most of the time spent shooting yesterday was devoted to the Kittanning Citizens Bridge which has temporarily been made-up to look like the Lower Trenton Bridge in New Jersey.
“Trenton is as much of a character in the story as any living person,” said Umble. “There’s the Trenton Bridge as you come into Trenton, which, architecturally, it’s shocking how much it looks like this bridge. It looks like this only a whole bunch bigger; it’s much, much longer, but architecturally it couldn’t be a better match.”'
To see the rest of the article click below:
What do you think about the bridge?? Does it look like the real thing?
Filming "One for the Money' on Kitanning Bridge Today
Here is an article from http://www.pittsburghlive.com/ detailing the shoot:
Here is the rest of the article below:'Through a pair of binoculars, Tim Barclay got a glimpse of Hollywood on the Kittanning Citizens Bridge Monday morning.
Katherine Heigls's red Mazda on the bridge for filming.
"We've watched the whole scene probably about six times," the Kittanning resident said while checking out the first day of filming for "One for the Money."
From a bench in Riverfront Park, Barclay said, he could see actress Katherine Heigl running between two cars and practicing throwing an object in the Allegheny River. He suspected the object to be a set of car keys.
Crews with "One for the Money" have been working in town since Saturday and have filmed parts of the movie throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania in recent weeks. Heigl is starring in the film based on a series of 16 novels by Janet Evanovich.'
Anyone else confused??? There is KH's Mazda again. I thought her Mazda was supposed to be repoed at the beginning and really not in the book all that much. I just read 'OFTM' again, and this has got to be an added scene too. I'm thinking 2 things...1) Either this Mazda is the replacement for the Jeep that she "comandeered" from Morelli. 2) This is still the Mazda she gets repoed, and she runs through a bunch of cars and pitches the "keys" into the river to get away from the repo guy. (Which seems a little excessive for an added scene to me when they could have just stuck with the book scene.)
Anyone have any added thoughts? Different scenarios?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Okay, Okay...I'm a Slacker Janet Evanovich's Daily Stephanie Plum Series Quote
'“I sort of happened on a dead guy today.” Stephanie, Hot Six
“I'm an old coot, but my fingers still work.” Ziggy Garvey, Seven Up
“I'm very virile. It runs in the family.” Albert Kloughn, Visions of Sugar Plums
“All I got is a broken foot. And it wasn't even broken enough to get us a handicap sticker for the car.” Grandma Mazur, Sizzling Sixteen'
There you have it OFTM fans! JE's daily quotes!!
I wish I had something more for you on the OFTM news front or some pictures. They are filming on the Kittaning Bridge today, and I have a shot of that, but not much else going on. :( For the life of me, I cannot think of what they would be filming on the bridge other than some aerial shots maybe for the opening credits and a view of the "Jersey" city??? Anybody have any ideas??
Anyway, this is the Kittanning Bridge being trainsformed into the Lower Trenton Bridge in Trenton , New Jersey. What do you think Jerseyites? Does it look like the Lower Trenton Bridge?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Evanovich's Daily Quote
'“I sort of happened on a dead guy today.” Stephanie, Hot Six'Love these fun quotes!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Debbie Reynolds on Bonnie Hunt Show Last Year
Well, I'm doing my homework on Debbie Reynolds, and I found this absolutely funny clip of her on the Bonnie Hunt Show. I laughed so hard when she hiked up her ta-tas!! OMG...I could totally see Grandma Mazur!!
I think that Lionsgate was actually very smart getting Debbie Reynolds for this movie. I think she is a fresh face with a lot of spunk, she's spry for 78 years old, and she is halariously funny!! Love her
Grandma Mazur Yes/No???? I vote yes!!
Debbie Reynolds on Craig Ferguson - Halarious
Okay..I cannot stop laughing at this clip. Debbie Reynolds was completely halarious!!! She's a little spitfire. She had Craig Ferguson blushing which is pretty hard to do!!! hahahaha
"I grew a mustache. It's on my left tit." LMAO!!!
Debbie Reynolds is going to rock at Grandma Mazur!!! Can't wait!!!
Just Cuz It's Fun!!!
I am going to start a daily post, just because it's fun, of Janet Evanovich's daily Plum novel quotes on Twitter. They are so great!! So, without further ado....my first Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series quote. A-hem...(drum roll)
'“Tell me you don't have legs sticking out of that car.” Morelli, Three to Get Deadly'Aren't these a blast???? I think so!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
More Posts from 'One for the Money's' John Leguizamo
I am assuming this is the building they are filming the infamous Stark Street Gym in??? Maybe? It says Young Men's Christian Association on the building front, so I wonder if that is the site of the gym. Nice big rounded windows like Evanovich had described in the book too. What do you guys think?
This next pic is from August 20 of him getting a haircut. So is this what Jimmy Alpha looks like? I'm likin' the stache....It's giving me the big, bad, psychopathic boxing manager, Jimmy Alpha vibe. I'd really like an in character pic of Jimmy Alpha. You know you want to Johnny! ;)
John Leguizamo Back Filming 'One for the Money' Stark Street Gym Pics
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John Leguizamo as Jimmy Alpha |
According to his Twitter account, this is the Stark Street Gym. See anyone in there you recognize?
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Stark Street Gym (Where's Ramirez at?) |
Ya, me neither, but it is still cool to see a little more of the set!! You are awesome, John! Please keep those pics and info coming. How about one of yourself in costume?? (wink, wink!)
Have I said that I love this man before? Yes?...Well, let me just be clear. I love this man!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Not So Brief Note on Jason O'Mara, "One for the Money"
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Jason O'Mara as the sexy vice cop, Joe Morelli |
Well, I decided to do my homework and started looking him up on Youtube. What I found there, ladies and gents, well...mostly ladies, was very, very yummy indeed!! I'm eating my words now!! Stick a fork in me, I'm done! Wow!!!
While "Life on Mars" is not the type of show I would personally get into, he really seems like he is an excellent actor and has a very believable New York accent. Plus...that voice and those intense eyes!!! Really all I can say is Ohhhhhhhh Myyyyyy!!! There was actually a few times when I was watching some of the clips where I could actually catch a glimpse of the Morelli in my head, and it caught me by surprise because I was so unsure of the man before. Well, not now!!
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Now...do you think this man could "boil water just by looking at it?" Me thinks he can!! Yooooowwwza!!! |
Jason O'Mara as Joe Morrelli??...YES PLEASE!!!!!
Here is a Youtube vid of Jason O'Mara that I thought was good.
First Picture of Grandma Mazur!!!
To read more of the article, click on this link: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10237/1082359-60.stm"Filming of 'One for the Money' brings out onlookers, happily displaced homeowners
Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
By Barbara Vancheri, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Debbie Reynolds is playing the role of Grandma Mazur in "One for the Money."Debbie Reynolds, her trademark blond hair tucked under a gray wig and a long maroon scarf looped around her neck, waved at the folks on South Pacific Avenue watching Janet Evanovich's book "One for the Money" come to life.
Stray onlookers also saw both Katherine Heigl and her stand-in -- in matching short-sleeve T-shirts, jeans, sneakers and dark ponytails -- enter or exit a house in Friendship.
The former "Grey's Anatomy" star portrays Stephanie Plum, a lingerie buyer who loses her job and improbably finds herself working for her sleazy cousin's bail bonding company.
She's half-Italian and half-Hungarian and hails from Trenton, N.J., being played by such locations as Friendship-Bloomfield, the North Side, Braddock, Wilkinsburg, Shadyside, McKees Rocks, Ambridge in Beaver County and Kittanning, Armstrong County.
A stretch of South Pacific near Coral Street had been turned into a makeshift back lot on what was day 29 of a 41-day shoot expected to end Labor Day weekend. Big Blue, the ancient powder-blue Buick described in the novels as resembling a beluga whale, was parked against a temporary green screen."
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Director Julie Anne Robinson and Lakeshore Entertainment producer Gary Lucchesi on the "One for the Money" set. |
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There's the Miata. Where is Uncle Sandor's car? |
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Is this the Plum residence? I always pictured it higher off the street for some reason. haha |
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
More Pictures/Info on Filming in Ambridge Today
Heres the article written about filming today:
"AMBRIDGE — A black Cadillac Escalade rolled slowly down barricaded Merchant Street Tuesday, stopping in front of the former K&N furniture store to drop off its passenger, actress Katherine Heigl, who took cover under a golf umbrella held by a man who shielded her as she briskly entered the building.
Lionsgate studio has strived to keep the paparazzi at bay during local filming of its action-comedy-drama “One for the Money.”
Still, dozens of spectators, mostly downtown Ambridge business owners, caught a glimpse of the normally blondish Heigl sporting a more Jerseylicious brown and bushy hairdo as required by her role as Stephanie Plum, the newly divorced, laid-off lingerie saleswoman-turned-bail-bondswoman who’s the heroine of the popular Janet Evanovich book series.
“One for the Money,” the first book in the series, is set in Trenton, N.J., which will be played in the movie by several western Pennsylvania towns, most notably Ambridge."This was a pretty long article but very interesting since they give away some of the locations on where they will be filming. Click the link below to read the rest of the article.
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Camera and film crew on set. |
Fan Pics on Set of "One for the Money"
The pictures are still interesting, so I am going to post it now.
This is the link to the pictures: http://diggingpitt.blogspot.com/2010/07/one-for-money-film-shoot-in-shadyside.html
Plum info is next to nil, but hopefully it will start picking up. Cross your fingers!!
Filming in Ambridge, Pennsylvania Today.
Here is the link for that picture and more info:
John Leguizamo Heading Back to Pittsburgh to Film "One for the Money."
Monday, August 23, 2010
Good Stephanie Plum Cast Movies
Hey guys,
There is not much Plum news today, so I thought I would post some of the awesome dream cast videos on www.youtube.com.
These are a few that I thought were good. And....shhhh....I actually made one myself a long time ago and put it on there before the movie was even being made. Can you guess which one is mine? hahaha
Be nice....I did the best I could. LOL
Hope you enjoy!!
Fan Comment Raises Good Question.
Sometimes actors that try to use a Jersey accent end up making it sound really cheesy and fake. In my opinion, it should be like they did in my favorite TV series of all time, "The Sopranos." If you can do it well....use it. If you can't, just talk normally and I don't think anyone is going to notice. I would rather hear no accent at all myself than sit through an actor pathetically delivering his/her lines with a botched up, poorly executed ~Joisey~ accent. What do you guys think? Any thoughts?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Is She or Isn't She????? Who's the Real Connie?
What do you guys think?
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Ana Reeder or... |
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Cristina Aloe |
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Debi Mazar...the ultimate Connie. |
If only my dreams would come true!! (*Sigh.*) Ultimately, whichever actress ends up being Connie, I'm sure they'll do great. Here's hoping...
New Set Photos of Jason O'Mara
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The Morelli annoyed look. |
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The Morelli pissed off look. |
I only posted a few pics, but you can check the rest of the pictures out below:
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fan Blogs about Filming One for the Money!!
"Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Famous in Friendship
So, there is a movie being filmed on our street this week. Fun! They have the road closed off and we aren't allowed to park on it. They are using a house down the street for the main character's mom's house I believe. You can look it up on imdb.com under "One for the Money" (2011).
They start early in the morning (impressive!). When I was opening up Tavin's window this morning I noticed a lot of film crew guys on our end of the street and then a red Mazda convertible came into view with camera gear all over the front. Now this would be fun to watch with Koen during breakfast! We got downstairs and out on the porch with all of our breakfast stuff (including Tavin and highchair) as quickly as we could. Koen was saying, "Quick, Mommy, we don't want to miss the movie!"
We did get to watch them do about 5 or 6 takes of the convertible drive-up scene. It was pretty entertaining. I believe we were watching Katherine Heigl herself. It had to be her (I just couldn't tell because of my bad eyesight and I didn't know her hair was darker and curly in this movie). But it had to be her, because in between takes she sat in an Escalade. When the convertible was in the spot for her, then they would motion for her to get out of the Escalade to do the take in the convertible. It made me laugh it was so ridiculous. I mean she would be in the SUV for a minute or so in between takes. It was a gorgeous morning. She should've enjoyed the fresh air. Or even better, it would've been great for her to come and say good morning to my sweet boys. She totally missed out. If I were her, I would've at least waved and said hello. Koen was so interested in the vehicles and we weren't being annoying "fans" or anything. Anyways, I was a little disappointed that she didn't reach out to the "little people." We were literally only feet from them during this process.
Koen freaked out at one point at the camera guys that were sitting on our front steps. Hilarious! They backed off to give him some space, but I apologized for him. He also got a little upset momentarily when the Escalade took our parking spot. So funny!
Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing the movie just so that I can see the scenes on our street! Hopefully it will be worth watching!
Posted by Amy at 1:23 PM"Check out the author's blog below:
I hope Katherine Heigl's a little more friendly than that. She was probably just busy and focused on the scene??
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Mama and Papa Plum Cast!!!!
Here is another post from the incredibly awesome, totally fantastic anonymous man/woman that has the inside scoop on IMDB.com.
"The other actors are really good. John Leguzamo is hilarious on set! I am not sure about other actors but the guy playing Mr. Plum is Lou Mustillo - he is a popular character actor that has had bit parts on shows like the Sopranos but is also a REALLY funny guy and perfect for the role of Stephanie's dad. If you are a Seinfeld fan at all he played the neighbor who had the parrot (Phil) that died when he ate the key to Jerry's strongbox that Kramer hid in his food. It was one of my favorite episodes and Lou played the part perfectly. He seems to be ideal for the dad as he basically sits and grumbles into his newspaper most of the time. Stephanie's mom is being played by Debra Monk. She is another character actress that you may recognize (she was on some episodes of Grey's Anatomy which Julie Anne Robinson - the director for OFM worked on also). I know you will all love Debbie Reynolds though. I'm telling you - she nails her lines even in rehearsals and then throws in some extra lines for laughs when the camera stops. Besides the fact that she is SUPER nice on set and talks to everyone including the Extras. She has really good chemistry with KH. (KH is actually surprisingly nice too - but mainly keeps to herself). There is a lot of action with some great stunts. Again - not giving anything away. I actually have not been on set with Ranger (Sunjata) as of yet. There are still about 3 weeks of filming left so I may and will update if I can. You may or may not know that this is filming around Pittsburgh which is doubling for Trenton, NJ."Okay OFM fans...here's exclusive info on Mama and Papa Plum thanks to flyingpig1608 (my new best friend) on IMDB.com. What do you think?
Here are the pictures I dug up of the characters he/she mentioned!! No one else has this, I'm sure, because I have been digging and digging for info.
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Lou Mustillo as Papa Plum |
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Debra Monk as Mama Plum |
I guess my shameful groveling worked. LOL! I for one love the pick for Papa Plum! Loved him on Sopranos and Seinfeld! I haven't seen Debra Monk act yet, but she seems to be a pretty accomplished Broadway actress. We'll just have to wait and see how she does. She seems like she could pass for Hungarian. Sounds like the movie is coming together really nicely!! Can't wait to see some movie trailers!
You heard it from me first people! Now who's your favorite blogger??? Tee-hee!! :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Finally - Some New Pictures on Set of One for the Money
Is that her Mazda Miata that she gets repoed at the first of the book possibly? I wonder who they are giong to get to play Lenny Gruber? He's going to have to be a real slimebucket!
Yay, I am so happy that they finally have some new pics from the movie. I was going through withdrawals.
Janet Evanovich Switches Literary Houses and Signs on for Four New Books
Janet Evanovich is moving to Random House! According to http://www.usatoday.com/, Janet has signed on at Random House and will be writing 4 new novels, 2 of which are in the Stephanie Plum series!!
"NEW YORK (AP) — Here's a publishing plot twist: One of the book world's top moneymakers, Janet Evanovich, has switched literary homes.
The author of the multimillion-selling "Stephanie Plum" series and other popular mystery novels has left her longtime publisher, St. Martin's Press, and joined the Random House Publishing Group.
Random House announced Monday that Evanovich has agreed to write four new novels, including two Stephanie Plum releases. She will publish through the Random House imprint Ballantine Bantam Dell.
"I started my career as a Bantam author, and I'm very excited to be returning," Evanovich, 67, said in a statement. "Their sales, distribution, and marketing make them the perfect partner for me and my work. Load up the U-Haul; break out the pizza and the beer — it's moving day."
St. Martin's publisher Matthew Shear said in a statement: "We've had a good relationship and I truly am sorry that we're unable to come to terms. But it's a negotiation like anything else and it didn't work. And I hope it works well for her elsewhere."
Financial terms were not disclosed, although Evanovich's book deal is likely worth tens of millions of dollars.
Evanovich's books have sold more than 75 million copies worldwide."
So what do you think guys? Good move? Bad move? Take Stephanie Plum any way that I can get them?
Switching Gears for Just a Moment Here
Okay, I know that sometimes this series can get a little corny, but I still cannot help switching on the TV and watching it every Sunday night at 7:00 pm.
The "True Blood" stars are on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine on sale now, and yes this cover is a little bit macabre, but I will take Alexander Skarsgard any way I can get him--minus clothing is just fine for me! (wink, wink)
I will post this picture after the break as it is a little risque, so enter at your own risk, but I have to say "I'ma lookin and I'ma likin!!" hahaha
Monday, August 16, 2010
I'm Almost Too EXCITED to Type
Now...while I just bring myself back down to earth, I don't know this poster from Adam so I don't know if this is 100% legit. Call me gullible or naive...these are all things I have heard before.., but I'm taking this guys word for it, and I cannot stop myself from doing the happy dance!!!
The original post was from a woman that was kind of tired of all the negativity posted about the movie so far and that she was excited for this movie to come out and loved Katherine Heigl. Now, you all know I have been a little gun shy about a few members of this cast, but I have tried to keep positive and crossed all my fingers and toes that they would pull it off. I have always said that I think KH could pull off the comedic physical humor that I envisioned Stephanie Plum to have, and that I liked KH's movies. But..I wasn't really feeling Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur yet.
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Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur |
Well, break out the ACs cause I'm warming up to her pretty fast!!!
This is what a poster had to say on the "One For The Money" page on IMDB.com.
"I have been working on this movie over the past few weeks in various capacities. At first - I was very skeptical about this movie. While I can't say very much due to confidentiality reasons - I think you will all be pleasantly surprised. KH is doing a great job - but to me the real gem is Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur. She has us all laughing good and hard with every line - she's a fabulous actress and really plays well off KH. I believe you will all enjoy this film. It won't be an Oscar winner by any means of course - but good, fun, entertainment - that stays true to the books?? - I would say categorically - yes!!"Now to say I would love to get more information from this guy would be an understatement! My response to this man's post BEGGING him for more details was nothing short of me dropping to my knees, latching onto his pant leg, and having him drag me around the room until I get what I want!! Shameless and embarrassing I know, but completely worth it if this man takes pity on me and throws a few juicy tidbits my way!!I know he has a confidentiality clause, but he could throw me a bone and just tell me how Jason O'Mara (Joe Morelli) and Daniel Sunjata (Ranger) are doing chemistry wise and if they are sellible in their characters. I'd probably faint dead away if he did, but it doesn't hurt to hope right???!!!
So what do you think , guys? Did I strike gold? Are you as happy as I am right now?
Friday, August 13, 2010
So Ashamed!!!
It's been so quiet with "One for the Money" news that I completely missed Ranger's birthday!
Yesterday, August 12, is the day that my sweet hunk of sexy beefcake, Ranger, was born!!!
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My own personal version of Ranger |
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And the recently cast, very lovable Daniel Sunjata as Ranger |
Here's the cake that Janet Evanovich bought to celebrate the big day!! They were going with the vegetable loving, healthy--okay healthier theme I'm guessing with the carrot cake if my utterly disciplined slice of heaven were to eat cake!! Yum!!!
So happy, happy belated birthday, Babe! (I got you a present, but um... we can take care of that a little later. Tee-hee!!--Back off ladies!!! He's Mine!!! hahaha)
I don't know about you, but my mouth is watering for several different reasons in this post!!! Doesn't he, I mean, that cake look delicious? I need extra napkins please!!!??? Enjoy!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Better Than Fresh Coffee in the Morning
I recently posted Daniel Sunjata shirtless, so I figured it's only fair if I post a picture of Jason O'Mara to give you the Ranger versus Morelli perspective.
So here they are ladies...the leading men without their shirts.
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I said it before and I'll say it again, "Nice, but he needs a six pack and some bigger biceps to give me the Ranger vibe." |
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I'm likin' the guns, but he needs a serious tan and a cut and color to even remotely pass as Morelli. |
Sunday, August 8, 2010
New Pic of Lula and Jackie on Set!!!
Lula's wig is cracking me up! Love the pics, Sherri!!! Keep them coming!!
I also think that was the same wig and outfit from a pic I posted a while ago wondering if it was Lula. What do you think? Is that her walking up to the SUV?
Katherine Heigl Talks Debbie Reynolds as Grandma Mazur
'"Grandma Mazur is such a great character," Katherine told Deadline. "She's really feisty and the one who's a real mentor to Stephanie Plum. We needed somebody for the part who would speak her mind and even be a little edgy. We approached Debbie Reynolds because she has that 'Molly Brown' as a contemporary grandmother. She's so perfect for the part. Then she read it, loved it and joined immediately."'
I'm really hoping that she can pull off the part! Here's crossing my fingers!
Leguizamo Twitters More Set Info
Here is the pic that is attached:
Not a lot of info, but still cool. Also, I believe that is the official title logo for the movie. Fun!!
Release Date for "One for the Money" Movie
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Is it or isn't it?
I recently posted a pic of Stephanie Plum on set, and I didn't even notice who she might or might not be talking to.
Is that Jason O'Mara Standing next to her????????? First picture on set??
I have to say...I'm not liking the pants he's wearing. Definitely not the Morelli ass that Stephanie ogles at in the books. If that is him, he needs to beef up too!!! Just sayin!!
New Set Pic from John Leguizamo....Just Love This Guy!!!
Rehearsing #oneforthemoney my big scene. I got crazy monologu... on Twitpic